Salary sacrifice benefits are those benefits in which employees sacrifice a portion of their salary in exchange for non-cash benefits in kind, which are popular with both employees and employers. As an employer, you can save money by paying lower nat...
The minimum hourly wage that most workers in the UK should get varies according to their age and whether they are apprentices. Discover the rates and where to seek assistance if you believe you are being paid less than the national minimum wage. ...
Umbrella companies have existed for nearly two decades. Before their existence, the majority of freelancers and contractors worked either through their own limited company or as an employee of a recruitment agency (or the end-client) on a PAYE basis....
Whether you're new to contracting or simply concerned about how IR35 will affect you, it's essential to understand your options as a contractor in the UK. While operating under an umbrella company may not be as tax-effective as operating through a li...
IR35 (“Intermediaries Regulation”) is a set of complex rules used by HMRC to decide employment status of a worker for tax purposes. If a workerisfound inside these rules, they might have to pay thousands of pounds in tax, penalties along with int...
HMRC appeal against Scottish broadcaster and presenter Ms Kaye Adams (the presenter of ITV’s show “Loose Women”) has recently been dismissed by the Upper Tribunal and upheld the 2019 decision of the First-Tier Tribunal resulting in the winning ...
Many changes have taken place ever since the lockdown that came into effect on 23rd March 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the economy of the country and the livelihood of many employees, contractors, and business owners. People w...
The Criminal Finances Act of 2017 is an act introduced by the UK Parliament to make amendments in the proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and to bring expansion in the provisions to make it easier to seize funds obtained through criminal means. The new Crimi...
In a world where nothing can be done without contractors, taking a break is significantly important for all working individuals. However, what contractual workers are unaware of is the holiday pay offered to umbrella employees. By every d...
Apart from the security of State pensions, individuals all across the UK tend to invest in personal pensions - an additional support system for their post-retirement life. Personal pensions are an interesting phenomenon in their own right. With conti...