Difference between Agency Payroll and PAYE Umbrella
As a contractor if you are taking an assignment through a recruitment agency and have decided not to use a Limited Company or be a sole trader for whatever reason, you will need to make a choice between getting paid directly through the Agency or via...
Cycling for work: A £2 Billion Plan Initiated by the UK government
Pollution is shooting up in the UK, and people are experiencing fatality of this with each coming day. With a concern for this situation, the government of the UK has come up with cycling to work schemes. Though this is a common scenario in the Nethe...
All you need to know about CIS Umbrella
The role of Umbrella Companies has become vital in the last two decades,as they provide a unique employment solution, where workers can undertake a series of assignments with different end clients while working through the same employer. Like any oth...
COVID 19 and business continuity- A guide for agencies to sail through rough waters
COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected more countries so far, than both the world wars put together. The virus has been continuously damaging the individuals, agencies, societies, and economies. In a short span of six months, the situation has move...
Kaye Adams IR35 ruling stands as tribunal dismisses HMRC appeal
HMRC appeal against Scottish broadcaster and presenter Ms Kaye Adams (the presenter of ITV’s show “Loose Women”) has recently been dismissed by the Upper Tribunal and upheld the 2019 decision of the First-Tier Tribunal resulting in the winning ...
Understanding the Off payroll working rules
IR35 (“Intermediaries Regulation”) is a set of complex rules used by HMRC to decide employment status of a worker for tax purposes. If a workerisfound inside these rules, they might have to pay thousands of pounds in tax, penalties along with int...
Is Umbrella Company paying the right tax?
Whether you're new to contracting or simply concerned about how IR35 will affect you, it's essential to understand your options as a contractor in the UK. While operating under an umbrella company may not be as tax-effective as operating through a li...
How does Umbrella Company work?
Umbrella companies have existed for nearly two decades. Before their existence, the majority of freelancers and contractors worked either through their own limited company or as an employee of a recruitment agency (or the end-client) on a PAYE basis....
A Guide to National Minimum Wage and Discretionary Bonuses
The minimum hourly wage that most workers in the UK should get varies according to their age and whether they are apprentices. Discover the rates and where to seek assistance if you believe you are being paid less than the national minimum wage. ...
Salary Sacrifice Benefits
Salary sacrifice benefits are those benefits in which employees sacrifice a portion of their salary in exchange for non-cash benefits in kind, which are popular with both employees and employers. As an employer, you can save money by paying lower nat...